21 August 2014

On August Profotech joined Russian National Committee (RNC) of CIGRE (Russian: СИГРЭ). The Council on Large Electric Systems (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques – CIGRE) was founded in 1921, it is the largest international non-government and non-profit association in electric power industry that unites scientists and energy experts from all over the world. CIGRE exerts a significant impact on the strategy of industry development in many countries.

The main purpose of CIGRE is to coordinate research work, experience, scientific and technical information exchange related to power systems, to develop, construct and operate high-voltage equipment, to plan and operate power systems, to develop and introduce new technologies of data collection, processing and control systems.

In the framework of research committee of CIGRE Profotech will participate in the work of a new B3 group that is focused on research Non-Convention Instrument Transformer (NCIT). The group was extablished because of growing interest in non-convention instrument transformers which more and more find an application in GIS and other primary equipment. Recently manufactures are inclined to give up proprietary technologies in favor of standardized solutions. As an example, instrument interfaces are currently being designed according to IEC 61850-9.2.LE standard. Specialists of Profotech will participate in systematization of world practices of NCIT application (optical sensors, Rogowski coils, capacitance transducers), in formulation instructions on application of digital optical transformers, including testing and verification recommendations, as well as in discussion technical advantages and disadvantages of NCIT.

Experience and knowledge of Profotech which were accumulated during producing its own electronic optical instrument current and voltage transformers will definitely be of demand by world scientific community and will set a direction of further development of electronic optical transformers technology.